Dynamic customer segmentation

Customer needs and expectations are changing rapidly, and traditional multi-criteria segmentation or clustering methods are no longer sufficient to act on the rapidly changing customer needs. The solutions allows to anticipate on customer needs based on a robust modelling of their behaviour and preferences, giving your company a leap ahead of the competition.

  • AI inferred customer segmentation
  • Automatic update of the segmentation identifying emerging customer behavioural patterns
  • Ongoing recommendation engine for up-selling, cross-selling, Next Best Opportunities, Next Best Actions, best channel

Intelligent fraud detection

The trade-off between heavy lengthy control processes to prevent fraud and pleasant customer journey is an obsolete one. With our intelligent fraud detection solution, you can delight your customer with streamlined journey while preventively detecting – on an ongoing basis and at transaction level – fraudulent manoeuvres.

  • Continuous and automatic modelling of fraud patterns
  • Automatic detection of potentially fraudulent transactions based on a minimum number of data
  • Fraud knowledge base to enable objective data-driven policymaking

Intelligent SME credit limit

SME lending suffers high acquisition costs relatively to the low volume of loans granted. This is due to a high level of rejected application, rigid pricing and tedious and manual SME lending processes. Our intelligent SME credit limit solution makes SME lending attractive again by reducing the turnaround time, enriching the criteria for lending decision and automating it to the extent the organisation is comfortable with.

  • Automatic limit definition and reassessment engine
  • Credit Limit rule generation
  • Credit limit prescription/ recommendation engine

Predictive SME creditworthiness

Monitoring SME creditworthiness is solely incident based. Financial Institutions rely on the defaults, delays, partial payments and other incidents to change the credit rating of the SMEs. This results in a handling that is mainly focused on preserving the institution’s interests at the expense of helping the SME go beyond these difficulties. Our predictive creditworthiness solution introduces more timeliness, nuance and finesse in the classification of healthy companies (with no credit) allowing to act on time on potential difficulties in order to prevent them by helping the SME with targeted, customised solutions. This results in better services on the one hand and healthier SME loan portfolio on the other.

  • Credit incident prediction engine
  • Credit losses patterns and rules generation to inform credit policy
  • Up to date SME risk knowledge base
  • 360 view of SMEs

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